This was my first attempts at Lo-Fi photography
im not exactly sure what it entails
but i threw my gauntlet into ring of Lo-Fi
and i think it cam out ok
im not exactly sure what it entails
but i threw my gauntlet into ring of Lo-Fi
and i think it cam out ok
Dan, explain lo-fi. I don't know what that is.
its kinda started as a backlash to digital photography's "perfect images". They say that the grittyness of Lo-fi is more to the heart of photography. Pretty much everything we try to eliminate in digital photography (like over exposure, underexposure,washed out color, film grain, high contrast and low clarity) are the staples of Lo-fi. i really dont know much about it i just tried to recreate some of the effects they have.
OK, I get it now. It's kinda like the plastic lens look. Very cool.
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