Wednesday, March 11, 2009

On the way home this car hears my confessions. I think tonight I'll take the long way

when im confused
i drive
with no purpose
no reason
and no ultimate destination

this trip i started out confused and ended up mad
and thus we are here

who do we think we are
seriously as a religion
as a people
who do we think we are

what gives us the right to judge people
to take a glance at them and think that we can tell
who they are or where they are
and even if we can tell who or where they are
what gives us the right to comment or talk about it

i feel as though i am a fairly balanced person
i feel like i can see things from both sides of a subject
and find the middle ground

i will not side with those that take
"judge not lest ye be judged" "take the beam out of your own eye"
and use those passages to say that we are never to correct someone
but i also will not side with those that delve into situations they know nothing about
and rant and rave scream and show their ignorance

Jesus corrected people
he saw their sin
and he pointed it out to them

the woman at the well
the pharisees
and even the disciples

but since when were we on the same level as Jesus
when did we begin to think that because Jesus did it that we could
hey if that's what you think then go out into the middle of the sea in a raging storm and jump on out

the two greatest commandments are ( in this order)
love the Lord your God
and love your neighbor

what we dont take into consideration when we blindly judge

is that Jesus loved everyone he corrected
and thus he did it in love
he also knew everything about them
so he could take into consideration everything that they have been through
he knew exactly where they were

the problem is not correcting
if we didnt correct those we loved
then we wouldn't truly love them
the problem in judging those we dont love
how can you love what you dont know
that is when we do it out of other motives
then we do it for ourselves and not for them

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